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Important Information about the 2024 School Climate Surveys

March 21, 2024


Dear Parent or Caregiver,


Beginning on April 1st through April 12, 2024, Owen J. Roberts School District students in grades 3 through 12 will have the opportunity to participate in the Pennsylvania School Climate Survey.  


The survey is designed to measure a student’s engagement at school. It will provide our district with answers to important questions, such as:


  • What practices help our students learn, and what barriers are in the way?
  • Do students feel supported?
  • What can be done to increase student involvement, both in and out of the classroom?

The survey is online and takes about 10 minutes to complete. Once the survey is done, the District will receive a summary report that will not include confidential or identifiable information. The survey is not a test, and students’ grades will not be affected by their responses or participation. A copy of the survey is available for your review in the main office of your child’s school, or by clicking on the links included below:


Please note that students will complete the survey between April 1st and April 12th. If you do not want your child to participate, you must complete the online opt-out form located at by Thursday, March 28th.  If no opt-out form is received, your child will be asked to participate in the survey.


In addition, beginning April 1st, parents will also have the opportunity to participate in the Pennsylvania School Climate Parent Survey. The survey is  designed to provide valuable feedback regarding the tools and resources available to families, the quality of school-parent communication from your school and your perceptions of the Owen J. Roberts School District, among other topics. As with the student survey, the results received by the District will not include confidential or identifiable information.


Please email if you have any questions, or if you require any assistance.




Dr. Will Stout
