- East Coventry Elementary
- Meet the Teacher
Iacono, Brittany
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Degrees and Certifications:
Miss Brittany Iacono
Welcome to Third Grade and the 2020-2021 school year!
My name is Brittany Iacono and I am a third grade teacher here at East Coventry. This is my thirteenth year teaching at OJR and my fifth year teaching third grade! I look forward to working with you and your child this year!
1. Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education/Minor in Reading--West ChesterUniversity (2008)
2. Masters Degree in Pre K-6 Reading and Literacy--Walden University (2011)
1. Bachelors Degree- Elementary Education K-6, Minor in Reading
2. Masters Degree in Pre K-6 Reading and Literacy
3. PA Instructional II Certification received March of 2013
1. Student Teaching-Second Grade-East Goshen Elementary School-West Chester Area School District
2. Eight years teaching Fourth Grade at East Coventry Elementary School-Owen J.Roberts School District
3. Two years teaching Third Grade at East Coventry Elementary School-Owen J. Roberts School District
Email: BIacono@ojrsd.net