•  telephone Attendance  Information:
    Research shows that attendance is the single most important factor in school success.
    *****ABSENCE REPORTING HOTLINE 610-469-5688*****

    Parents/Guardians will notify the school of their child's absence by telephone the evening before or the morning of the student's absence.** All documentation of student absences, including a record of all telephone calls, will be maintained in the School Attendance Office and shall be considered the official record.

    Communications for reporting student absences will only be accepted from the authorized parents and/or guardians. The procedures are as follows:

    The evening before or by the start of the school day on the morning of the absence, the parent/guardian must call: 610-469-5688.

    The system will direct the caller to the appropriate building extension. The phone call may be recorded for security or verification purposes.

    At the tone, please state:

    • your (parent or guardian) name

    • your relationship to the student

    • the student's grade

    • the reason for the absence or tardiness

    • the teacher/homeroom name, if known

    • a return telephone number

     If the student is absent for more than one day, the parents/guardians should call the attendance line for each subsequent day unless instructed otherwise by the building attendance clerk.


    In those cases where the student is absent and the parent has not called, the school office will attempt to call the parent at home or place of work and, if necessary, leave a message.

    Any student who is absent for three or more consecutive days is required to present a physician's excuse to validate the absences.

    ** Written excuse cards delivered by hand or fax will continue to be accepted.

    Research shows that attendance is the single most important factor in school success.

    A student who is 10 minutes late every day will miss 30 hours of instruction during the year.


    • Talk with your child about the importance of attending school regularly.

    • Avoid scheduling family trips or doctor appointments during school hours.

    • Make sure your child stays healthy by eating nutritious food and getting enough sleep and exercise.

    • Don't accept excuses for why your child "must" miss or be late for school

    • Discuss with your child what happened at school each day.

    • Support school rules and consequences for skipping class and being tardy.

    • Show your child why education is important.  Give specific examples of how education helps people succeed.

    • Lead by example.  If children see parents taking off work for no real reason, they may expect to be able to do the same thing.