• Title I is a federally funded supplemental education program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies to improve educational opportunities for our students. Title I programs are designed to help children meet the state content and performance standards in reading, language arts, and mathematics.

    Math/Reading Specialists:

    Mrs. Becky Hatherill  - Rhatherill@ojrsd.net

    Mrs. Marsi McCall - Mmccall@ojrsd.net

    Mrs. Jen Rittenhouse – Jrittenhouse@ojrsd.net

    Mr. Brett Galambos - bgalambos@ojrsd.net

    Mrs. Stephanie Seuffert - sseuffert@ojrsd.net

    Home-School Compact

    School Responsibilities

    • Provide research-based curriculum and best practice for instruction in a supportive environment
    • Provide opportunities for family involvement
    • Provide opportunities for parent/guardian support
    • Communicate regarding student academic progress
    • Be a learning community, always seeking new ways to meet individual needs through graduate courses, conferences, whole faculty study group, grade-level team meetings, peer observation, book clubs, etc.   
    • Provide easy access to books and materials at independent and instructional levels
    • Provide students with books at an independent reading level for in-class and at-home reading
    • Communicate information with families regarding reading and math

    Home Responsibilities 

    • Provide opportunities for students to practice concepts taught at school
    • Stay informed regarding your child's learning
    • Attend school events to support the education of the whole child
    • Share questions and concerns with appropriate school staff in a timely manner
    • Ask children to "show, me something you did at school today."
    • Model authentic reading, writing, and math tasks (making lists, reading mail, counting change, measurement, etc.)
    • Allow students to reread independent and instructional level texts that are provided by the school

    Student Responsibilities

    • Demonstrate personal responsibility for learning and academic growth
    • Record homework in a planner and bring home needed materials
    • Ask questions about learning as needed
    • Come to school prepared and ready to learn
    • Always do your personal best 


    Everyday Mathematics Resource and Information Center