- East Vincent Elementary
- Code of Conduct for Test Takers
PSSA Conduct of Conduct for Test Takers
- Get a good night’s sleep.
- Eat a good breakfast.
- Listen to, read, and follow all directions given.
- Ask questions if you do not understand the directions.
- Read each question carefully, especially multiple-choice items that ask for the “best answer.”
- Also, be sure to read any open-ended items and writing prompts carefully before responding.
- Be careful when marking your answers so that you do not skip spaces or fill in the wrong sections.
- Make sure to completely fill in the bubble for the answer you select and erase completely any answers you change.
- Keep your eyes on your own test.
- Try to answer each test item.
- Check that you have completed all the test items in the test section before closing your test booklet or submitting your final responses online.
- Report any suspected cheating to your teacher or principal.
- Bring notes with you to the test.
- Bring any electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smart phones, etc.) other than an approved calculator, if applicable, to the test.
- Share a calculator with others.
- Use the bubbles in the answer booklet to either eliminate possible incorrect answers or possible correct answers.
- Mark only the bubble for the one correct answer you have chosen.
- Talk with others about questions on the test during or after the test.
- Take notes about the test to share with others.