Sign Up on School Pay (opens 9/16/24)
Your student is expected to stay for Lions Cub meetings and should be indicated on PUP. If your student is not staying, you should make note of that on PUP also.
2024-25 North Coventry Lions Cubs
Are you interested in helping others? Come find out about the Lion Cubs!
Lions Club members are men and women who strive to make a difference in their local community as well as in communities worldwide. Their volunteer efforts go beyond the support of vision care, to addressing unmet health and education needs worldwide.
The Lion Cubs is a service club open to students in fourth, fifth or sixth grade. We are the elementary school branch of the Coventry Lions Club who sponsors us. In the past, the club has been involved with Make A Difference Day, collecting used eyeglasses, helping teachers, reading to young children at PTO meetings, visiting Manatawny Manor, making cards for staff members and veterans, making posters for the school, assisting in the school gardens, and so on.
Meetings will take place after school from 3:30-4:30. Students will report to room 133C (Mr. Smith’s STEAM Room) at dismissal to meet with the club advisor. Transportation must be provided by the parent after the meeting at 4:30. Pick up will be in the front lobby. Sign-out sheets will be available by grade (4, 5, 6) and must be signed by the adult picking up the participant.
* If your child is also involved in intramurals or other school activities that conflict with the Lion Cubs meetings, it must be made clear to the teachers what activity your son or daughter is participating in that day.
Where: Mr. Smith’s Classroom 133-C
When: Cubs will meet on the dates listed below until 4:30 pm.
The dates are:
October 1 February 14
November 6 March 4
December 3 April 1
January 7 May 6
End of Year Induction/Party June 3rd
Thank you for joining the Lion Cubs,