    Title I is a federally funded supplemental education program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies to improve educational opportunities for our students. Title I programs are designed to help children meet the state content and performance standards in reading, language arts, and mathematics.

    For the 2016-2017 school year, North Coventry received the federal reward of "high progress", identifying the school as being distinguished among the top 5% Title I schools in the state for student progress. 
    In the 2018-2019 school year, North Coventry received the federal reward of "high achievement", identifying the school as being among the top 5% Title I schools in the state for student achievement.
    Additionally, for the 2018-2019 school year, North Coventry was recognized as a National ESEA Distinguished School.  Our school was one of two schools from the state to be recognized at the National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri in January 2019!

    Math Specialists:
    Mrs. Kristin Colfer- kcolfer@ojrsd.net
    Mrs. Betsy Palumbo- epalumbo@ojrsd.net

    Reading Specialists:
    Mrs. Carly Youngblood - cyoungblood@ojrsd.net
    Mrs. Susan Buettler - sbuettler@ojrsd.net
    Miss Lucy Ruzzini - lruzzini@ojrsd.net
    Family Team Meetings

    Math and Reading Family Meeting – Yearly in the fall
    1.  What is Title I ?
    2.  Parent & Family Engagement Regulation Review
    3.  Assessments and screening used to determine student qualification
    4.  Home-School Compact – How can the school and I work as partners to support my child?
    5.  Tips and Suggestions for supporting math and reading