Engagement Regulation

  • North Coventry Engagement Regulation
    Title I Program 2024-2025

    The philosophy of the North Coventry Elementary Title I program is to encourage the active participation of parents and families of our students. This regulation is written and revised yearly in collaboration with parents/guardians of Title I students. It also demonstrates that our school is committed to increasing, reinforcing, and fostering parent and family engagement by building a strong relationship between students, families, and our school members.

    Strategies to Reach Family Engagement Goals:

    • Distribute the Family Engagement Regulation during the Title I Parent Meeting and through the Title I website.

    • Conduct surveys to gather feedback and input from families on the NC Family Engagement Regulation.

    • Provide district and state resources to help families support their children’s academic progress.

    • Share newsletters and activities to keep families updated on current engagement practices.

    • Encourage family members to visit and volunteer at school.

    • Invite family members to participate in parent-teacher conferences.

    • Include family input in decisions aimed at meeting the needs of Title I students and their families.

    • Use an annual survey to gather feedback for improving Title I program effectiveness.

    • Educate all staff on the importance of family engagement.

    • Inform families that a Home-School Compact has been developed jointly with them.

    • Help parents and family members understand state academic standards and local assessments by sharing relevant information.

    • Share student progress monitoring reports to enhance family communication.

    • Inform families that all materials can be made available in other languages upon request.

    • Provide guidance on using EDM resources to support learning at home.

    Updated annually at the fall Title I Family Meeting
    Last update - 11/1/2024