How can I voice my opinion or ask the board a question?
There are two options to contact the board:
- The first option is to email the board directly at
- All Board members will receive and read your email. However, please note, that you will most likely only hear back from the School Board President, who responds to all correspondence on behalf of the entire board.
- The Board will attempt to answer all questions, however may be limited in their ability to speak about Personnel or Legal matters.
- The Board President may also refer you to the Administrator who is best suited to answer your question.
- All emails are replied to within approximately 24 hours of receipt. Should you not receive a reply within 24 hours, it may be to misdirected email (spam folders). Please try again, then reach out to district administration if you still have not received a reply.
- The second option is to attend a regular School Board Meeting and speak at the Public Comment section. There are two public comment sections, one at the beginning of the meeting for comment only on specific agenda items and the second towards the end of the meeting for general comments.
- If you choose to make public comment at a meeting, you will be asked to sign in before speaking, then state your name, township of residence, and topic when it is your turn. Please understand that public comment may be limited to 3 minutes per presenter.
- The Board will attempt to answer questions but if answers are not readily available, they may follow up with individuals or present answers at the following meeting.
- In the event of a Virtual Meeting on the Zoom Platform, participants may have the opportunity to use the “Raise Hand” feature in order to comment.
- Click the icon labeled “Participants” at the bottom Center
- At the bottom right of the screen, click the “Raise Hand” button. While your hand is raised, the button will be labeled “Lower Hand”. If you no longer wish to comment, you may use this button to remove your Raised Hand
- When your on-screen name is called, the Host will unmute your window. At that time, please supply your name, township of residence, and topic. As with in-person meetings, public comment may be limited to 3 minutes per presenter.