• The Communications Office for the Owen J. Roberts School District serves students, families, staff and the community and is committed to consistently providing accurate, timely and transparent information.

    In alignment with the District's Comprehensive Plan, the Communications Office proactively shares information about the District, schools, students, School Board, staff, programs, initiatives, events, and accomplishments, among other information, to the community, media, and various other stakeholders and constituents.  

    Services provided by the OJR Communications Office include community and public relations, media relations, marketing, social media content and management, website support and content, print and digital publications, photography and videography, and graphic design.

    In short, the Communications Office also:

    • Assists with the preparation and distribution of internal communications 
    • Handles all media inquiries, requests for publicity, and advertising
    • Issues press releases and advisories, and responds to all media inquiries
    • Oversees the district website
    • Manages the District's Community Bulletin Board  
    • Manages the District's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube pages
    • Provides a photographer for school and district events, initiatives, and programs
    • Creates and publishes printed and digital materials, including but not limited to the Advocate newsletter, the Wildcat Way newsletter, brochures, flyers, and the district calendar


    For General Inquiries about the Owen J. Roberts School District, email: community@ojrsd.net 

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