• Bus Safety Patrol

    The school bus safety program is comprised of sixth grade students who are willing to serve, follow bus safety guidelines, ride the bus regularly and ride for an adequate length of time.  Not all students will be able to be bus safeties.  A team comprised of teachers, aides, bus drivers and the principal will work together to select each year’s patrols.  The bus driver is always fully responsible for the safety of both the bus and its passengers.  Bus Safety Patrols assist in the proper safeguards of students when riding the school bus.


    Safety Patrols are to wear their patrol belts while on duty; therefore identifying themselves, especially to a substitute driver.


    Safety Patrols will be located throughout the bus.  One will sit in the front, the middle, and the back of the bus.  This is dependent on how many patrols are assigned to each bus. The safety’s seat positions should be rotated on a weekly basis.


    Safety Patrols could/will lose their safety positions if they themselves violate the safety guidelines.  They are to set the example.


    Owen J. Roberts School District

    901 Ridge Road, Pottstown, PA 19465-9314; Voice 610-469-5100; Fax 610-469-5870