- Owen J. Roberts School District
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- Standards Based Report Cards
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One of the important things that teachers do is to share students’ progress with parents. This is usually accomplished through the use of a report card.
The Owen J. Roberts School District reports students’ progress on a standards-based report card.
What is Standards-Based Grading?
Standards-based grading aligns grading with the state academic standards as measured by consistent and accurate student achievement data and common criteria for grading. In English Language Arts (ELA), the report content is aligned to the PA Common Core approved in July of 2012. The report card accurately communicates achievement of learning targets to students, parents, and educators.
Our report card provides specific information about the level of proficiency on the learning targets that are taught each trimester. These learning targets will vary each trimester in mathematics as new content is introduced, so the learning targets move with each trimester. Therefore, the grade for each trimester communicates a student’s progress as compared to where we would expect him/her to be at that moment in time.
In ELA, research indicates a student's background knowledge and prior experience may affect reading and/or word study levels. Students may read/spell below, on, and/or above level depending on the genre and content of the text or previous word knowledge exposure. SBRC proficiency scores (3) reflect the range of text complexity students may experience due to these influential factors. Developing readers may score below benchmark, but are demonstrating progress to grade level standards depending on text type, genre, and background knowledge.
By the end of the year, students are expected to be proficient or advanced for each standard. Students scoring below proficiency will receive instructional supports to achieve mastery for specific content and skills.
Rubrics have been developed in ELA and in Mathematics in Grades K through 6 for each trimester. The purpose of these rubrics are to assist students and parents in understanding what the specific learning expectations are for students to be considered proficient at each grade level in each skill area. These learning expectations may grow or increase as the school year progresses and more content/skills are introduced.The available standards based report card rubrics (criteria for each trimester) can be viewed for each grade level on the right. Please contact your child's teacher for any missing rubrics.
Sample SBRCs &
RubricsKindergarten SBRCFirst Grade SBRCSecond Grade SBRCThird Grade SBRCFourth Grade SBRCFifth Grade SBRCSixth Grade SBRC