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Warwick HS Ore Mine Archive
Distinguished Alumni Award Winners
Richard & Elizabeth Wells
Distinguished Alumni Awards - Richard G. Wells and Elizabeth J. Wells.pdf 67.15 KB (Last Modified on June 4, 2024)
By Ralph Bozorth
From the very meager records that are available it would seem that the Warwick high school was first open in the fall of 1903. At that time Joseph S Davis was principal. It is interesting to note that in Mr. Davis report to the county superintendent he states that they were 15 pupils doing high school work. He also said only seven remained until the close of the term. Mr. Davis says the advancement of the high school as a whole has been retarded by the adverse sentiment existing in the district, though the best elements of the township supports it. “The chief need of the high school as in the other schools is the earliest unqualified support of both patrons and directors”. (from report of Mr. Davis)
The first commencement of the high school was held on April 22, 1905 at which time four girls and three boys were graduated. At this time S. Iola Mauger was principal. In her report at the close of the year she states “success is impossible for Warwick High School unless citizens and patrons give hearty support and co-operation”. As early as 1905 pupils were conveyed by wagon from the western end of the district.
In the fall of 1908 the school was again opened with Joseph Malin as principal. He continued in this capacity until the close of the term in 1909. Helen Emery succeeded and the next commencement was held in April 1910, with two graduates. Miss Emery reports that the enrollment for that year was 12. Here seems to be the first ray of hope for in her report to the county superintendent she says we hope that the high school will never be closed again. The prospects for the coming year now much brighter than they have been other years.
Strickland Guest became principal in 1911 and continued in that capacity for a period of five years being succeeded by John Kinneman. Mr. Kinneman remained one year and he was succeeded by Calvin Afflerbach who remained for two years, being succeeded by Paul Kendig. In 1918 Reverend I. D. Schaffer became principal again being followed by Mr. Guest. During all this time the high school did not prosper to any great extent in so far as numbers were concerned. Apparently, the number did not exceed 20 at any time. In 1920, 17 people were found in the high school. At this time a new impetus was given high school work due probably to the World War. The number rapidly increased until in 1924 found 35 in the high school. Since conditions were crowded a room was rented and an additional teacher was employed. Due to unsatisfactory conditions and because the State Department of Education refused permission to continue under in which the school was not housed in one building a new building was erected at Knauertown in 1927.With the opening of the school in 1927 the enrollment had increased to 45, this being an increase of three times the size of the school in 1920. (Volume I-Number 3, 1928).
The first commencement exercises for the Warwick High School were held on May 31, 1928 in the Mount Carmel Church. Fifteen were graduated. During the spring and summer of 1930 six new rooms were added to the original high school. A well-equipped science room was located in one end of the building where physics, chemistry, biology and general science were taught. At the other end of the building was a domestic science room which houses sewing machines and an electric range, breakfast set and tables. Located in the basement of the building was a new wood working shop equipped with large work benches with vices and an excellent collection of carpenter tools. The stage was converted into a library where students could do reference work and enter the library without disturbing any class. With the additional classrooms also came a change in the structure of the high school. A fourth year was added to the senior high, thus no commencement exercises were held in 1930. The class of 1931 was the first four-year graduates.
Through the Works Progress Administration, construction started in the spring of 1940 for additional classrooms, auditorium/gymnasium and facilities. Boys and girls locker rooms, a shower with a drying room, a health room for ill pupils and the school physician and dental hygienist and a large stage/music room were all included in the addition to the school. On Tuesday, September 16, 1941 new students were proudly ushered into the new addition.
The school building’s physical appearance has remained unchanged since 1942, with only minor adjustments to classrooms to accommodate the new role of the building. Based on information from The Ore Mine there have been 668 graduates and 46 graduating classes. The first graduating class was 1905 from Harmonyville High and the last class was 1955 Warwick High. There were no graduating classes in 1907-1909, 1915, (changed to a three year high school), 1930 (changed to a four year high school).
The history of the schools would not be complete if recognition was not given to the one room schools located throughout the townships. During the fall of 1928 attendances in these schools were as follows, Harmonyville, Knauertown, Grove, Monocacy, Pine Swamp, Mt Pleasant and St Marys. With the completion of the additions to the high school in 1930, the rural schools were closed and students were transported to the new consolidated school building.
From 1928 through 1955 a quarterly newsletter entitled ORE MINE was printed and distributed to the students. These newsletters were later combined into two booklets entitled ORE MINE 1928-1942 and ORE MINE 1942-1955.