• Fitness Testing-Challenge by Choice


    Age: 10 Birth Date: ______________                  Classroom Teacher: ______________

    Sex: F  Name: ________________________                   PE Teacher:  ____________________


    Directions: Fitness testing is done to assess your current level of fitness compared to your peers across the country.  As you complete each section, contemplate what you can do to increase your fitness level in each area.  Suggestions for increasing your current fitness levels can be found on the back of your chart.


    Mile Run/Walk:  The timer will start and continue until the last person is done running or for 30 minutes.  You are encouraged to set a goal for yourself and try to meet it.  Remember that 8 laps around the track equals 1 mile. You may walk your laps if you wish.  Graph your results.

                                                                                                    National Avg.                       Presidential Avg.


    My Goal: _______laps       Your Score:_______           11:22 (1 mile)                      9:19 (1 mile)










    1/4 mile           1/2 mile       3/4 mile          1 mile               1 ¼ mile             1 ½ mile                    1 ¾ mile            2 miles  


    Curl-ups:  There is no timer for this test.  On go, you are asked to complete as many curl-ups as you can and we won’t stop until the last person is finished.  You are asked to do your curl-ups appropriately and be honest with your count.  Graph your results.

    National Avg.                       Presidential Avg.


    My Goal: _______               Your Score:_______                    24                                                  40










    5 curl-ups      10 curl-ups    15 curl-ups     20 curl-ups     30 curl-ups    40 curl-ups    50 curl-ups  More than 50


    Push-ups:  There is no timer for this test.  On go, you are asked to complete as many push-ups as you can and we won’t stop until the last person is finished.  You are asked to do your push-ups appropriately and be honest with your count.  Graph your results.

    National Avg.                       Presidential Avg.


    My Goal: _______               Your Score:_______                    13                                                  20










    5 push-ups    10 push-ups       15 push-ups     20 push-up        30 push-ups     40 push-ups    50 push-ups    More than 50


    Shuttle Run:  There is really no other option for this test than to complete it properly.  You are encouraged to do your best. Graph your results.

    National Avg.                       Presidential Avg.


    My Goal: _______               Your Score:_______               12.1 (sec)                               10.8 (sec)










    9.0 seconds    9.5 seconds    10.0 seconds    10.5 seconds    11.0 seconds   11.5 seconds    12.0 seconds   More than 12.0


    Sit & Reach:  Position your body as shown by the example.  Attempt to stretch and hold the position for three seconds.  You may choose to complete this test up to five times before recording your score.  Graph your results.

    National Avg.                       Presidential Avg.


    My Goal: _______               Your Score:_______                 28 cm                                      33 cm










    5 centimeters    10 cm                 15 cm               20 cm            25 cm                 30 cm           35 cm            more than 35

    Would you like to improve your scores?






    Try these activities to improve your fitness scores!






    Rt. angle push-ups or pull-ups:



    Try doing push-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, or working with dumbbells 3-4 times per week.

    Do as many repetitions as you can without undue strain or discomfort.











    Try doing curl-ups, crunches or other abdominal exercises for 1- 2 minutes per day, 

    4-5 days per week. 















    Shuttle run:





    Try doing activities that promote foot quickness and running in short bursts such as,

     jumping rope, tennis, handball, or basketball at least three times per week.






    Mile run/walk:





    Try doing aerobic activities such as jogging, walking, swimming, or bicycling

     for 20 minutes per day, 3 days per week. 








    Sit & Reach:





    Try stretching for 5-10 minutes each day, perhaps before going to bed 

    or after awakening, as part of your daily routine.