- Owen J. Roberts School District
- Earned Income Tax (EIT)
Earned Income Tax (EIT)
Local Tax is due April 15
Did you know the quickest way to get your refund is to file online? If you live and work in Pennsylvania, you can e-file on our tax administrator's secure website, which is available 24/7 at www.KeystoneCollects.com.
Keystone Collections Group's e-file is the easy, fast and secure way to file your tax return. It lets you file your tax return when it is most convenient for you. You will need your W-2, your Social Security Number and any other income documents that may apply (such as PA-UE or a Schedule C).
Keystone redesigned e-file to make it even faster and more user-friendly.
If you have questions regarding local tax filing, visit Keystone's Frequently Asked Questions or call Keystone's Taxpayer Helpline at 1-888-328-0565 to speak with a local, knowledgeable Taxpayer Service Agent. You can also email your questions 24/7 to Taxpayer Support. Taxpayer Service Agents to respond to all online inquiries within three business days.
Taxpayers with earned income are required to file a Final Tax Return.