Welcome to 7th Grade World Cultures!

Welcome to 7th Grade World Cultures!

  • I am so excited to be a part of OJRMS!  This is going to be a fantastic year!  Please feel fre to contact me at anytime via email:  cfried@ojrsd.com

    OR you can call the school and leave me a message.


    In each quarter of the school year we will learn about a different region of the world.  As we move through each geographical area, we will study the region’s culture and history. We will also connect what we have learned about the past to how it relates to current issues.


    1st Quarter

    2nd Quarter

    3rd Quarter

    4th Quarter

    Ancient Greece/Rome

    Ancient Middle East

    Ancient India

    Ancient China


    Four Reasons Why You Should Learn About Other Cultures:

    • They are learning about yours
    • It helps you to be more accepting of diversity
    • It creates curiosity
    • It leads to global awareness