• Hello Owen J. Roberts Families!

    My name is Jane Sullivan, and I am the nurse at the Middle School. Below is an outline of what is required for your child in Middle School, along with some other helpful information.


    • 2 doses of the Varicella Vaccine or a documented history of having had Varicella (Chicken pox) Disease
    • 3 doses of the Hepatitis B Vaccine
    • 4 doses of the polio Vaccine with the 4th dose being on or after the 4th birthday
    • 2 doses of the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccine
    • At least 4 doses of Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (dTap) Vaccine with one of the doses being on or after the 4th birthday


    • The initial dose of the Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV)
    • 1 dose of the Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine on or after 11th birthday.

    Immunization documents must be mailed or emailed directly to the nurse's office prior to the first day of school.

    Owen J Roberts Middle School

    Attn:  Jane Sullivan - School Nurse

    881 Ridge Road

    Pottstown, PA 19465

    In keeping with School District Policy 203, the above requirements allow for the following exemptions:  Medical, religious belief, and philosophical/strong moral or ethical conviction.  Please note that even if your child is exempt from immunizations, he or she may be excluded from school during an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease.  Please contact the nurse's office for more information.   


    With your consent, I am permitted to administer Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil), Benadryl, antacids and cough drops.

    If your child needs any other prescription or non-prescription medication at school, you must first submit a Medication Authorization Form. This form must be completed by both the parent and the doctor.

     *Please remember that all medication, with the exception of Epi-pens and inhalers, must be brought in and picked up at the end of the school year by a parent or guardian.


    For students that require the use inhalers and/or Epi-pens there are 3 options:

    Self-Carry. Students are permitted to self-carry their inhalers and Epi-Pens. In order to do so, please fill out and submit the Self Administer Inhalers Form and/or the Self Administer Epi Pen Auto-Injector.Form

    Leave in nurse’s office. We can hold on to inhalers and Epi-Pens in our office. In order to do so, please fill out and submit a completed Medication Authorization Form and an Allergy Action Plan and/or a  School Asthma Action Plan

    Self-Carry and leave in the nurse’s office. Your child may self-carry and leave a spare in the nurse’s office. In order to do so we will need a completed  Self Administer Inhalers Form and/or the Self Administer Epi Pen Auto-Injector Form, a  Medication Authorization Form and an Allergy Action Plan and/or School Asthma Action Plan


    At some point during the school year, all 7th grade students must submit a completed dental form (Private Dentist Exam Form). Dental examinations given up to one year prior to the school year can be accepted.  Please notify our office if your child does not have a dentist and you would like them to be seen by the school dentist in the spring.  Please note that this satisfies the state requirement, but no treatments will be provided by the school dentist. 

    Completed forms may be emailed, mailed, faxed or brought into school by either you or your child. If your child will be bringing something to us, please follow up to ensure that they remembered to do so. 

    NUT FREE CLASSROOMS – All classrooms in the Middle School are nut free. Students are permitted to eat nut products in the cafeteria. There are nut free tables available as an option for students with allergies and their friends in the cafeteria. (Friends must also have a nut free lunch if they will be sitting there).


    Throughout the year, all students will participate in height, weight and vision screenings.  7th grade students will also participate in a hearing and scoliosis screening. A referral letter will be sent home if your child does not pass the vision, hearing or scoliosis exam. Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns regarding these screenings.

    Thank you for reviewing the above information.  If you click the “Health Forms” tab on the left and scroll down you can download the forms noted above along with some other frequently used documents.  There is also a “Health Insurance” tab if you would like to purchase OJR Student Accident Insurance or if you need assistance with obtaining health insurance.  Please feel free to call or email our office with any questions or concerns. 


    Daily Home Self-Monitoring Guidelines 

    Face Covering information

    How to Safely Wear and Take off a Cloth Face Covering

    How to hand wash with soap and water

    COVID Safety Protocol


    Jane Sullivan M.Ed., RN CSN


    Phone:  610.469.5163 or 610.469.5152 (Medical Secretary)

    Fax:  610.469.5152