Welcome to Seventh Grade Social Studies! I am very excited to be a part of the Owen J. Roberts Middle School and I look forward to working with you. I have very high expectations for all my students, and I will be encouraging you to give your best effort. I will do all that I can to ensure that you succeed inside and outside of the classroom,but in order to do this, I need your help as well. I ask that you give your best effort and never be afraid to ask questions.
     Ancient Rome       Middle East   India       china




    The seventh grade curriculum examines various regions of our globe. Throughout the year we will be studying Greece and Rome, the Middle East, India and China. We will be learning the geography, history and culture of these areas. We will also connect what we have learned about the past to how it relates to current issues.



    You will need the following supplies for class.  If you have any concerns about these supplies, please let me know. 



     Three Ringed Binder- All students need a 3-ring binder to keep their notes and documents from class. All notes sheets and other papers will be 3-hole punched so that everything fits easily inside the binder. Binder checks will be performed periodically to ensure student organization. Also, students should have their binder filled with plain paper to take notes OR bring a spiral notebook.

     Writing utensils: Pencils or pens.

     Text Book: Hard cover textbooks will remain in the classroom. A username and password will be issued that students should keep at home in order to have access to their textbook outside of the classroom. Students will use an online textbook for certain activities and units. If you do not have Internet access at home, please let me know.




    You will sometimes have homework in Social Studies, which will be reviewed and posted in class. Homework should be recorded in your personal planner. When assigned, all homework must be handed in on time to earn full credit.



    Grades are determined by dividing the total number of points earned by the number of points assigned each quarter.  The total number of points assigned each quarter will vary. A grading rubric will be provided for major assignments.  Grades can be checked by students and their families on Skyward Family Access.



    If absent on a particular day, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what he or she missed. There are many options to utilize:

    -         E-mail me the day of your absence for your missed work

    -         Call ore-mail students in your class

    -         Check the "WHILE YOU WERE OUT" folder in the classroom for any missed handouts

    -         If you are still unsure of what you missed, see me before the start of class the day you return

    Students absent from school for illness or emergency  will have double the length of their absence to make up any missed work.  Students who miss class but are in school(field trip, band/music lessons, etc.) are expected to have all work with them the day they return. Students on non-school sponsored travel should review the work policy in the online StudentHandbook. 


    If you are absent on the day of a test, quiz or project, it is your responsibility to see me the day you return in order to make accommodations for a make-up time.


    **Students aware of the test/quiz prior to being absent should be prepared to take the test/quiz upon returning to school




    Information on this course will be posted on the Owen J. Roberts website. Major assignments and assessments will be announced through School Wires.  Please look at the this page to be aware of important dates in the classroom. Supplemental course materials, such as Power Points and website links, are also posted here for student use.  To contact me, please email me at kschollenberger@ojrsd.com. 



    You are encouraged to use digital media for assignments as appropriate.  You may bring an assignment in on a flash drive, email it to me. Use of the Google Apps program is available on the OJR website, or you can upload it to your student account. 


    We will often use computers at school.  Please review the Computer Use Policy in your Student Handbook.  Any misuse of technology will not be tolerated. When using technology in the classroom I am asking for your maturity and respect. Cell phones are not to be in the classroom. Please leave your cellphones turned off in your lockers.

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