Transportation FAQ

  • What are the expectations for my child when waiting for the school bus?

    Students are expected to leave their residence with ample time to ensure punctual boarding and departure, avoiding any inconvenience for the bus or potential missed rides. It is essential for students to adhere strictly to their assigned bus for transportation. While waiting for the bus, observe the following guidelines:

    • Arrive at the bus stop at least five (5) minutes before the scheduled departure time.
    • In case of delays due to weather or mechanical issues, exercise patience and wait for a reasonable duration, considering the prevailing weather conditions.
    • Maintain a safe distance from the roadway while waiting.
    • Practice courteous boarding conduct, refraining from pushing or crowding.
    • Show respect for private property by refraining from trespassing on lawns and avoiding parked cars.
    • Exercise caution in school loading zones, refraining from attempting to board until the bus has come to a complete stop.
    • Avoid attempting to board the bus after it has commenced motion.

    What happens if my child doesn’t ride the bus for an extended period of time?

    If a student does not utilize the bus service for a period of 10 consecutive school days, they will be removed from the bus roster. The lack of ridership is reported by the bus driver. In the event that transportation services are required again, parents or guardians must initiate contact with the Transportation Department to request the reinstatement of bus services.

    What is expected of students while riding on the school bus?

    • Students are expected to adhere to and show respect for the instructions of the bus driver, who is obligated to report any disciplinary issues to the relevant school administrator.
    • While on the bus, students must stay in their assigned seats and refrain from behaviors that could jeopardize the safety of other students or the bus driver.
      • Prohibited activities include: throwing objects, moving around within the bus, and hanging out of or throwing objects out of windows.
    • Students are required to face forward at all times, and if seat belts are provided, they must be fastened.
    • Conversations on the bus should be conducted quietly, avoiding loud or disruptive behavior. The use of obscene or vulgar language is strictly prohibited.
    • Unnecessary conversations with the bus driver should be avoided.
    • Eating, drinking, and smoking are strictly prohibited on the school bus.
    • Students are responsible for maintaining cleanliness on the bus and ensuring that school property is free of litter.
    • Deliberate damage to the school bus or school property will result in financial accountability and potential criminal prosecution.
    • Certain items, including animals, large musical instruments, glass containers, sharp metal objects, knives, and non-school-related sports items (e.g., skateboards, roller blades, sleds), are prohibited on the bus. If students need to bring such items to school for specific purposes, parents are expected to provide transportation.
    • Students should remain seated until their destination is reached and the bus has come to a complete stop.
    • Exiting the bus should only occur at the assigned stop. After disembarking, students should be cautious of traffic, walking on sidewalks if available or on the left side shoulder facing traffic if there are no sidewalks. Crossing the road behind the bus is dangerous and not permitted.
    • In cases of misbehavior on afternoon buses, drivers should follow disciplinary measures as they do in the morning. Any disciplinary issues should be reported to the school on the following school day, as administrators may not be available in the afternoon.

    What will transportation look like if my child has special needs?

    Transportation services tailored to the needs of special education students will be furnished in compliance with relevant local, state, and federal laws and regulations. The provision of services will align with the student's Individualized Educational Program (IEP).

    What if my child has a shared custody arrangement?

    In cases involving court-ordered shared custody arrangements, where both parents seek a bus stop for a District student, a copy of the court order must be submitted to the transportation department. Bus stop locations for elementary students cannot cross attendance boundaries or impose additional costs on the District.  Parents must have 50/50 shared custody in order to receive transportation to both homes.

    *Additional details and guidelines can be found under the Shared Custody tab on the Transportation Department home page.

    What can I expect if there is inclement weather?

    Decisions regarding school closures or delays will be communicated through AM radio stations KYW, WPAZ, WCOJ, WEEU, and WCHE. The District Code number is 857.

    Non-public students will follow the same guidelines as public school students. If the District is closed due to inclement weather, transportation to all schools (public and non-public) will not be provided. Additionally, when the District adopts a two-hour delayed schedule, transportation to all schools will also be delayed by two hours.

    In cases where a non-public school implements a two-hour delay while the Owen J. Roberts School District maintains a regular schedule, non-public schools will be bused following the Owen J. Roberts schedule. It is crucial for non-public schools to have a staff member present to receive their students upon arrival.

    When District Schools remain closed, transportation for both public and non-public students is suspended. Non-public students attending schools that remain open must arrange their own transportation.

    *Additional details and guidelines can be found under the School Closings and Delays tab on the Transportation Department home page.

    Why are there video cameras on the bus?

    The utilization of digital video recorders on school buses serves the primary purpose of enhancing the safety of student passengers.

    Every District-contracted school bus is equipped with a digital video recorder device featuring a camera and microphone. The placement of the digital recorder within the vehicle is strategically done to ensure accessibility exclusively for authorized district personnel. Access to any of the surveillance equipment is strictly limited to authorized district personnel. To inform passengers, a warning notice will be visibly displayed on each bus, notifying them that privacy is not expected and that their actions on the bus are subject to monitoring through a video and audio surveillance system.

    Why does the driver have a two-way radio on the bus?

    The Two-way Radio Communication system is implemented with the dual objectives of enhancing the efficiency of the District's transportation system and ensuring the safety of passengers. This communication system is installed on all District-contracted school buses, with radios strategically mounted in the vehicles to guarantee accessibility for the drivers.

    What happens if my child’s bus is involved in an accident?

    Despite the District's unwavering commitment to safety, continuous investment in driver safety training, and adherence to stringent vehicle safety standards, accidents can still occur. Considering that our buses cover nearly one million miles annually, it is the dedication of our bus drivers to safety that significantly reduces both the frequency and severity of accidents.

    In the event of an accident, medical emergency, or any other form of emergency, the bus driver will promptly communicate with the Dispatcher and/or Contract Supervisor to report the incident. Following this notification, the Transportation Department will immediately inform the relevant authorities, including the Superintendent's Office, state and local police, ambulance service, and the appropriate school(s).

    Both the Contractor and the District's Transportation Department will conduct thorough investigations into all vehicle accidents involving the transportation of students. If the investigation yields recommendations for improvements or changes, appropriate actions will be taken to implement these suggestions, aiming to prevent similar incidents in the future.

    How can I be sure my child’s bus driver is certified?

    All drivers must meet the minimum standards of their position in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, Bureau of Traffic Safety, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Public School Code, Public Welfare Code, Owen J. Roberts School District’s contractual and procedural guidelines, and Gross School Bus Services Employees Manual.

    Bus Services Employees Manual | Employment checks and screening are as follows:

    • Driver’s license – all drivers must possess a valid driver’s license.
    • Medical Examination – All drivers must pass a medical examination conducted by a licensed health care professional and be issued a Medical Examiner’s Certificate, which must be carried at all times and be renewed every year.
    • MVR – A motor vehicle record check will be made of all driving-related activities for the preceding three years as well as annually.
    • Criminal History Review – All drivers are subject to a criminal history review by the Pennsylvania State Police to determine if the individual has a record indicating a criminal concern. Criminal history clearances are subject to a periodic review.
    • Federal Criminal History Record Check – Drivers are subject to an FBI record check to determine if the individual has a Federal recording indicating a criminal concern.
    • Child Abuse Review – All drivers are subject to a review by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare to determine if the individual has a record indicating a child abuse concern. Child Abuse Clearances are subject to a periodic review.
    • Drug Testing – All drivers are subject to a Pre-employment Drug test. Federal law mandates this test. Follow-up drug testing of CDL drivers is done by random selection by an independent drug testing company.
    • CDL Permit – All potential drivers must obtain a Commercial Driving license Permit. If there is an outstanding citation, a CDL permit will not be issued until the citation is rectified.
    • Drivers Training-All school bus drivers in Pennsylvania must be certified and hold a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). To become certified as a school bus driver for the District, an individual must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age, possess a valid driver’s license, pass a physical examination, attend at least fourteen (14) hours of classroom instructions, receive a minimum of six (6) hours of behind-the-wheel training, and pass a series of school bus driver’s tests administered by the Pennsylvania State Police or third-party licensing examiner.
    • CDL License – All school bus drivers must possess a valid CDL license with passenger and school bus endorsements.

    Additionally, all bus drivers are required to complete the following re-certifications:

    • Annually pass a physical examination
    • Annual check of their motor vehicle record
    • Random drug testing
    • Every four (4) years: Attend fourteen (14) hours of classroom instructions, receive three (3) hours of behind-the-wheel refresher training, retake a school bus driver’s test, and have a review of their Criminal and Child Abuse Clearances.


    Safety is the main concern when transporting the District’s students. In addition to the requirements set forth, a minimum of five school bus driver’s seminars are provided annually, emphasizing the District’s regulations and procedural safety guidelines.