• It is the philosophy of the staff at Owen J. Roberts Middle School that students be exposed to many different options when it comes to physical fitness and health.  With that in mind, the curriculum is set up in a way to offer a variety of activities in both 7th and 8th grade.  7th-grade students will have both Mr. Dede and Ms. Staufenberg as their teachers during the year.
    Physical Education in 7th grade involves 4 different "courses within the course".  Each student will have one marking of Health/Fitness (a combination of classroom education and fitness room activities), one marking period of Physical Education, and two marking periods of Swimming (Swim 1 and Swim 2).  The best way to find out what your son/daughter has during the year is to look on Skyward for the class location for marking period 1 ("Q1Y").
    If the location listed is "165" for the 1st marking period, then they will start in Health/Fitness.
    If the location for Marking period 1 is "Pool", then your child will have Swimming to begin the year.
    ALL STUDENTS WILL MEET IN THE GYM at the start of the school year as an introduction to the OJRMS HPE program.
    Students who have "165" is listed as the location for the 1st marking period ("Q1Y") will have the following schedule for the school year:
    1st Marking period: Health/Fitness (meets in room 165) - Mr. Dede
    2nd Marking period: Physical Education (meets in the gym) - Mr. Dede
    2nd Marking period: Swim 1 - Ms. Staufenberg  
    4th Marking period: Swim 2 - Ms. Staufenberg
    Any student who has "Pool" listed on their schedule for the 1st marking period ("Q1Y") will follow the following schedule for the school year:
    1st Marking period: Swim 1 - Ms. Staufenberg
    2nd Marking period: Swim 2 - Ms. Staufenberg  
    3rd Marking period: Health/Fitness (meets in room 165) - Mr. Dede
    4th Marking period: Physical Education (meets in the gym) - Mr. Dede
    Any questions should be directed to Mr. Dede at sdede@ojrsd.net