SAGE Cropped
  • SAGE Parent Liaisons:

    • SAGE Lead:            Kristine McAfee
    • Gifted Education Lead: Michael Campbell
    • Special Education Lead: Leslie Proffitt
  • Welcome to the SAGE Parent Group

    The Special and Gifted Education (SAGE) Parent Group serves as a collaborative partnership between the OJR School District and parents with a focus on the topics, themes, resources and trends that are vital to special and gifted education in our community. As part of ongoing efforts to support this partnership, the district will coordinate information sessions for parents, provide access to resources, solicit input from families and staff, answer any questions that families may have, and identify best learning and operational practices. In addition, district leadership and staff will collaborate with parents on creative ways to host community events related to special/gifted education.

    SAGE is a parent-led group, with multiple parent liaisons who will collaborate with district leaders to achieve the goal of developing strategies and ideas that support effective methods in the classroom and foster academic success for students. The leadership team for this group utilizes their different experiences within the district (ie. gifted, multiple disabilities, invisible disabilities, etc.) to steer conversations and help maintain constructive dialogue on important topics in special and gifted education.

    For additional information, please email   

  • SAGE Upcoming Events:

    January 23, 2025 – Resource Sharing Event

  • Updates & Resources: