Student Health Services

  • Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child

    The Owen J. Roberts School District is dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of every child. Health and education affect individuals, society, and the economy and, as such, must work together whenever possible. Schools are a perfect setting for this collaboration. Schools are one of the most efficient systems for reaching children and youth to provide health services and programs, as approximately 95 percent of all U.S. children and youth attend school. At the same time, integrating health services and programs more deeply into the day-to-day life of schools and students represents an untapped tool for raising academic achievement and improving learning. Owen J. Roberts uses the CDC/ASCD Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) approach.

    The CDC/ASCD WSCC model consists of ten interactive components:
    wscc model

    Health Education
    Physical Education and Physical Activity
    Social Emotional and School Climate
    Health Services
    Nutrition Environment and Services
    Counseling, Psychological and Social Services
    Healthy Physical Environment
    Employee Wellness
    Family Engagement
    Community Involvement

    Click the "Health Forms" link to the left to access downloadable health documents.