• Pupil Services Contact:  
    Dr. Brad Bentman Director of Pupil Services  (610) 469-5115  bbentman@ojrsd.net 
    Dr. Cristin Burke (Pre-K to 4) Supervisor of Special Education (610) 469-5620 cburke@ojrsd.net
    Dr. Geoff Ball (5 to 8) Supervisor of Special Education (610) 469-5391 gball@ojrsd.net
    Joseph Milnes (9 to 12) Supervisor of Special Education (610) 469-5687 jmilnes@ojrsd.net
    Mary White Compliance Coordinator (610) 469-5390 mwhite@ojrsd.net
    Debbie Drumheller    Administrative Specialist  (610) 469-5116  ddrumheller@ojrsd.net
Org Chart

What are Pupil Services?

  • Professionals Trained in These Disciplines...

    Provide a bridge between learning and mental, physical, emotional and social health factors that determine educational achievement and life success. These pupil services providers use a variety of strategies to help meet children’s needs that include providing direct service to teachers, families, and the community.


    In order to provide a full range of pupil services, it is important that all disciplines are represented and accessible in the school setting on an ongoing daily basis. Furthermore it is essential that the delivery of pupil personnel services be provided in a collaborative team manner with the support and leadership of district administration.


    Pupil/related services personnel perform critical tasks in schools, including:

    • Supporting effective teaching and improved student learning and facilitate collaboration among school staff, families and the community;
    • Providing a variety of prevention and intervention services in schools that promote effective classroom learning and teaching;
    • Working together with teachers and administrators to develop a positive school climate, improving classroom management skills, providing behavioral interventions to reduce discipline infractions, improving school safety, and removing barriers to learning;
    • Providing educational programs and activities that support student learning and teaching, including consultation with teachers and families, assessments linked to instruction, individual and group counseling, problem-solving instruction, and remedial interventions;
    • Collaborating with teachers and school staff to ensure that students receive high quality instruction that is a response to the diverse and developmental needs of all students, create a continuum of support services for all students, and providing various instructional strategies to facilitate learning in all classrooms;
    • Participating, as members of the school team, in professional development to ensure high quality learning; and
    • Fostering collaboration not only between general and special education, but also between community and schools and schools and parents.

    Welcome to The Wildcat Way!

    The Wildcat Way newsletter is dedicated to sharing the various aspects of programming, support and services that the Pupil Services Department provides for the District.

    Topics include special education, mental health, gifted services, Section 504, guidance services and more! The Wildcat Way also serves to highlight special events, current topics and special recognitions.


    Click here to read The Wildcat Way - January 2023