

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Kimberly K. Nagy

Nuemann University 60 Post-Masters Credits in Social and Emotional Learning  (2015)

West Chester University
MA Spanish (2005)

Lycoming College
Bachelor of Arts Spanish (1998)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Study Abroad Progam
with La Universidad de San Francisco de Quito (Quito, Ecuador)

Member Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish Honor Society)
Teaching Certificates:
Spanish Teaching Certificate K-12
Elementary Teaching Certificate K-6

Years of Teaching Experience: 22 years
Subjects Taught:
AP Spanish
Spanish 5
Spanish 4 (Honors and College Prep)
Spanish 3 (Honors and College Prep)
Spanish 2
H.S. Spanish 1B
M.S. and H.S. Spanish 1
Exploratory Spanish
Art Integration (8th grade)
Ski and Snowboard Club Advisor (2015-present)
Spanish Club Co-Advisor (2019- present) 
Greenheart Exchange Program Co-Leader (2019-2020)
Anchor Club Advisor (2002- 2018)

Lettermen Club Advisor (2002-2005)
Extra-Curricular Advisory Council (2004-2005)
Character Counts! Training (summer 2002)
Middle School Girls' Basketball Assistant Coach (1998-2001)
OJR High School Team Captain for Relay for life (2000- 2005)