• Hello Wildcats!

    We have been super busy working through the Second Marking Period. Please continue to check Skyward and manage due dates and long-term assignments.

    A helpful tip this time of year when we are super busy with school, work and extracurricular demands I like to use a weekly calendar to manage my list of to-do items. If you would like a weekly calendar template, please stop by to get one and I will help you with planning.

    Over the last few weeks we have been celebrating major accomplishments as your peers are receiving college acceptance letters, full-time employment  and internship opportunities! If you are struggling with college application process or applying online, please let me know- I am here to help!

    We have 4 school days left until Winter Break! Please be sure to make each day count!


    Mrs. C

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  • What a week- we have been very busy with preparing for the end of the First Marking Period and Presidential Election

    For the first time many of our Seniors voted, what a cool experience for them. It was nice to hear from them and their participation as registered voters.

    We also spent the last two weeks managing out time, meeting with students and preparign for the end of the marking period.

    On November 8th, myself along with other Learning Support teachers traveled to Millersville University and Penn State- Berks Campus to meet with the Office Of Disabilities to discuss helpful tools and resources to assist our students and their families as they transition from High School services to college. The time spent on both campuses was helpful and exciting. I am very confident that the 12th grade learning support teachers are preparing our Seniors to be confident and understanding of their learning needs.

    Just a reminder that Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming, November 21 and 22. Please use Skyward to sign-up! Hope to see you soon :)

    Mrs. Clemens

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  • WOW! Last week was absolutely amazing with the school spirit for Homecoming week! As we begin a four-day week be sure to take a look at all classes and upcoming assignments. If you have any trouble downloading your calendars from D2L, let me know!

    Also, we are approaching the end of the FIRST MARKING PERIOD- already?? I know! The end of the marking period will be November  2! MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT!

    This week in learning support we will be discussing the differences between IDEA and ADA as a college bound student :)

    See you soon!

    Mrs. Clemens

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  • This week in LS, Seniors worked independently or in a small group with me analyzing the CP English required text, The Great Gatsby. We spent time discussing the characters and how they connect with each other. 

    Next week we will begin discussing and comparing High School expectations to College. We will complete a table to reference as our further planning for post-secondary education continues.



    We have PRIDE and SPIRIT

    Monday- America Day

    Tuesday- Bucktown Day

    Wednesday- Wacky Dress Day

    Thursday- Holiday

    Friday- Red and White Spirit day

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  • Seniors will be logging on to their Naviance accounts to:

    Create a Resume

    College Focused Seniors will

    • Update their College interests
    • Search top College requirements
    • Work on College Applications

    Career Focused Seniors will

    • Complete Career Portfolio
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  • This week in Seminar B (learning support), Seniors participated in an IEP Scavenger Hunt. Students were given a copy of their IEP's and a list of questions to be answered. Students needed to leaf through various sections of their IEP's and answer the questions related to identifying their specific diagnosis, present academic levels, strengths, needs, transition activites, and accommodations. A huge success for these Seniors!


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  • Hello Wildcats!

    Just a friendly reminder: Back to School Night is this week, Wednesday, September 21 at 7pm. Please be sure to share your schedules with your parents! I look forward to seeing you there- I will be in Seminar B :)


    Future College Athletes, please see below


    As always if you have any questions please contact me- tclemens@ojrsd.com

    Have a fantastic day!


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  • http://www.livebinders.com/media/get/MTQ0ODE4NTE=

    Please use the link to view the Senior Night Presentation from our Guidance Department on College Planning

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  • Welcome Back Wildcats!

    We are into our second week of school already! Time is flying by (sadly, too fast). As we begin to dive into our classes and the curriculum a few things to remember:

    • Be sure to hand-out your Accommodation letter and Accommodations to Regular Education Teachers
    • If you are planning on taking the October 1, 2016 SAT, be sure to sign up now (there is a late registration fee)
    • If you are absent from class due to illness, doctor's appointment, or sporting event please be sure to contact your teacher.

    I am really looking forward to a great year!

    Mrs. Clemens





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