

Degrees and Certifications:

BSE, M.Ed Art K-12, 2001 Technology K-12, 2018

Mrs. Megan Bonner Cook

Digital Arts/Visual Arts
Yearbook Editorial Advisor
(Please direct all questions about yearbook orders and ad sales to Mr. Schwenk.)
I have been teaching in the Owen J Roberts School District since August 2003.  I was a long-term substitute in the Coatesville, Lower Merion, and Octorara School Districts before working at OJR.
BSE Art Education, Millersville University 2001
M.Ed. Instructional Systems: Leadership in Technology Integration, Penn State Great Valley 2011
2013 Phillies Teacher All Stars- Honorable Mention
2013 Jostens Yearbook T-Shirt Slogan Contest
2013 Adobe Creativity in Education Pin to Win
2017 Yearbook featured in Jostens Look Book
2017 Yearbook received the PSPA (Pennsylvania School Press Association) Silver Award