- Owen J. Roberts High School
- Pennsylvania Secondary Transition Guide
Secondary Transition Guide Website
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
The transition from school to adult life is an important series of steps. To help students/families map out this process, the Bureau of Special Education has developed a website for students, families, and educators. The name of the web-site is "Pennsylvania Secondary Transition Guide" and the address for the website is: www.secondarytransition.org. This website was designed to be a central information hub for youth and families navigating the transition from secondary education to adult life.
The website is organized by secondary transition topics that cover key areas, including post-secondary education and training, employment and community living. Information on the website is designed to highlight important subjects and activities based on a student's age. The website links to other Pennsylvania agencies and departments that support secondary transition. Materials for youth and families are added to the web portal frequently, so be sure to add the website to your favorites and return to the site often!
For specific questions about students transition from school (OJR) to adult life please contact Melody Nay, Transition Coordinator at mnay@ojrsd.net or phone at (610) 469-5220