Mr. Marcoe's Announcements

  • Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year!  I am looking forward to having a great year with all of my students in all of my classes.  We are going to have an exciting year of learning together.  I hope everyone enjoyed reading your summer book choices and we can hit the ground running.  In all of my classes your organization is of the upmost importance to ensure your success.  You should have a three ring binder or folder to keep all of your documents organized for my class and all of your classes.  You should also have your GoogleDocs account cleaned out and ready for this school year. 
    This is a resource to check if you need anything that is going on in my class.  I will be continually posting information from class here as another way for you to stay organized as we progress through the school year.  It is your responsibility to utilize this resource to stay organized throughout the school year.
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