Leo Club
  • The LEO Club is the largest club at OJRHS, and reportedly the largest High School Leo Club in the country.  Our club members work together to serve our local community, completing over 1,500 volunteer hours each of the past several years.

    OJRHS Leo Club members will be required to attend at least four of the monthly virtual club meetings that are held each year.  Throughout the year we will work to organize service and volunteer projects. Last year, over 260 students were involved with the club.   Each member must complete at least 5 hours of volunteering during the school year.  Some of the typical projects that we help with include hosting a dinner for needy families, organizing events at the high school, volunteering at In Ian’s Boots, assisting with several children’s events (Halloween Safe House, elementary school fun nights, etc.),  and much more.

    Members that meet the club requirements will be formally inducted into the club at the end of the school year.  Dozens of volunteer opportunities will be provided for you throughout the school year. 

    Questions:  See Mr. McCormick in room 162

    To Register, click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdd3BUnAsiErHs0IlMBscY3rPdISfMbac2vA4BXH4uzQwbcBw/viewform?usp=sf_link


    • President: Cooper Brandon
    • VP:  Shriya Chowdavorapu
    • Secretary:  Lily Perano
    • Treasurer: Lauren Monaco